Fenerbahçe players' wives send aid to Syria's Jarablus

The wives of footballers at Fenerbahçe have sent aid to the Syrian city of Jarablus, recently liberated from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). 
The group sent winter clothes to children in the town after seeing campaigns on social media calling for help to meet the children's needs, NTV Spor reported on Nov. 18. 

Members of the group - consisting of goalkeeper Volkan Demirel's wife Zeynep Demirel, Mehmet Topal's wife Selda Topal, Robin van Persie's wife Bouchra van Persie and Ertuğrul Taşkıran's wife Gözde Taşkıran - each sent 1,000 coats and boots.

The aid was delivered to the children via the Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA). 

The FSA captured the northern Syrian town of Jarablus from ISIL a few days after Turkey launched its Euphrates Shield Operation on Aug. 24. 

The operation aims at clearing Turkey's border of terrorist organizations, targeting ISIL as well as the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which Ankara says is the Syrian affiliate of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). 

Since the liberation of Jarablus, many residents who had fleed have returned to the town.

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