Seized luxury vehicles start policing patrol in Istanbul

Istanbul police have started their patrol duties with 23 luxury vehicles, which were confiscated and converted into police vehicles in successive operations against numerous criminal organizations.

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, together with Istanbul Governor Davut Gül and Istanbul Police Chief Zafer Aktaş, inspected the seized vehicles at Atatürk Airport which then took to the streets of Istanbul and started their duties on Dec. 26.

In a post on his social media account, Yerlikaya wrote, "These vehicles were given to our police by court decision. From now on, the vehicles will be at the disposal of our police and in the service of our nation, not criminal organizations. I would like to thank each and every one of our heroic police officers who work hard for the peace of our country. May our unity, solidarity and peace be perpetual."

Members of various criminal organizations were apprehended in the past months, leading to the confiscation of a significant number of vehicles.

A total of 42 suspects, including the leader of the organization Hakan Ayık and managers and members of the Comanchero Armed Crime Organization, were prosecuted. Two BMW motorcycles, one Harley Davidson motorcycle, and Skoda, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Land Rover, Audi, Porsche, Nissan, and Volkswagen cars confiscated from the gang were given to the police service.

Within the scope of the operations carried out against the armed criminal organization from the Netherlands led by Joseph Johannes Leijdekkers and Efe Alp Üstün, 62 suspects were prosecuted. Volkswagen, Ferrari, Bentley and Audi vehicles belonging to this group became police vehicles.

As part of the operations against the Iranian armed criminal organization led by Abolfazl Pilehvari, seven...

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