Development Ministry

Stores to open on two Sundays over the winter sales

The winter sales are starting as usual on the second Monday of the year, i.e. on January 13, but this time there will be two instead of one proposed Sundays for retail store operation.

The main associations of tradesmen have announced that stores have the option of operating on the first two Sundays of the winter sales window, i.e. on January 19 and 26.

The Prime Minister’s office on Nikos (better late than never), the sinking pools of Spetses, and Kasselakis, stop loss and then merge(?) SYRIZA-New Left, and rumors of new deals in insurance

Hello there! It took Nikos A.A. (Leader of the Opposition) a while to meet Mitsotakis, but as far as I’ve gathered from my sources at M.M. (Maximos Mansion), once he got going, the leader wasn’t just official… he was ultra-official. From what I hear, he came across well—serious and composed (for PASOK, that is). He didn’t go to extremes, nor did he turn the one-on-one with K.M.

Final list of reduced supermarket products released

An updated and expanded list of 362 products whose prices will be lowered was announced by the Development Ministry on Tuesday.

The price reductions range from 5% to 24%, while the price of a total of 600 products will be gradually reduced, according to estimates from the Greek Supermarket Association.

Supermarkets agree to slash some prices by 6-15%

Supermarket chains are proceeding with reductions in the prices of basic products in response to a call by the Development Ministry.

By the end of October, it is estimated that prices on the supermarket shelves will have been reduced between 6% and 15% for 127 product codes, while more than 600 product codes of various suppliers will gradually participate in the initiative.
