Stores to open on two Sundays over the winter sales

The winter sales are starting as usual on the second Monday of the year, i.e. on January 13, but this time there will be two instead of one proposed Sundays for retail store operation.

The main associations of tradesmen have announced that stores have the option of operating on the first two Sundays of the winter sales window, i.e. on January 19 and 26.

Shoppers will have until February 28 for their purchases on discount that will have to be clearly marked as per the Development Ministry regulations.

Retail traders are hoping that the satisfactory course of the large number of shoppers in the Christmas markets over the holidays will continue.

"It will be a good opportunity for the stores to liquidate their stock," noted the head of the Athens Tradesmen Association, Stavros Kafounis, pointing out that despite the satisfactory "foot traffic," lower...

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