Europe Parliamentary Assembly

Hungary offered asylum to a Polish former deputy minister under investigation in 11 corruption cases

The Hungarian government has offered asylum to a Polish former deputy minister in the previous government of the right-wing populist Law and Justice Party (PiS), Budapest announced yesterday (Thursday).

Authorities in Poland issued a European arrest warrant for former Justice Minister Marcyn Romanowski the day before yesterday, Wednesday.

Kovac: No consensus on sanctions, EP resolution to be non-binding

BELGRADE - Commenting on a draft European Parliament resolution calling on the EU to impose sanctions against Serbia that would be similar to those against the so-called Kosovo, Elvira Kovac, a member of the Serbian delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, said on Wednesday the resolution would not be binding.

Vucic, Agramunt discuss current international issues

BELGRADE - Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday received the President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Pedro Agramunt to discuss the current international issues such as the refugee and the migrant crisis, the rise of nationalism and extremism in Europe and the fight against terrorism.

A humorist as prime minister

The country has been passing through such horrible days that perhaps it would be great to have humorists occupying governmental seats. Even if there might be a president acting as if he has become a sultan or emperor, no one of course can claim that the prime minister and other ministers have started acting like imperial jokesters.

Terror as a political factor

In all surveys, terror is the number-one issue. Of course, terror is Turkey's number-one problem. And indeed, it affects politics too as the first factor. Leaving aside factors such as unemployment, economy and foreign policy, when the government that conducts major operations against terror, it increases its votes.
