German Foreign Ministry

Europe should support opposition to Erdoğan, German foreign minister says

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Aug. 21 that Berlin and the rest of Europe should support the "democratically minded" majority of Turks who do not back President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in a dramatic hardening of Germany's position towards Ankara.

Economic pressure on Turkey 'working,' German FM Gabriel says

Economic pressure on Turkey "is working," German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has said, commenting on ongoing tensions between Berlin and Ankara. 

The German Foreign Ministry on July 20 toughened its travel warning on Turkey and warned German companies about investing in the country after human rights activist Peter Steudtner was arrested.  

Berlin 'concerned over deterioration of jail conditions' of German rights activist in Turkey

German Foreign Ministry spokesperson Martin Schafer has said the German government is concerned about the potentially worsening jail conditions of human rights activist Peter Steudtner, who was recently transferred to Istanbul's Silivri Prison, Deutsche Welle has reported. 
