German Foreign Ministry

Germany assesses the impact of a Trump victory on Greece and the EU

The whole world is holding its breath over the results of the US Presidential elections. The repercussions of a possible Trump victory are unknown regarding the superpower’s direction on a number of issues, ranging from foreign policy to matters of global finance. The US election results could also indirectly affect the course of the Greek bailout program.

Austria to deploy military on its borders with Italy

Austrian Defence Minister Hans Peter Doskozil told Austrian newspaper ‘Osterreich’ that 3 military battalions were ready to deploy in the state of Tirol in light of the refugee crisis. His new statements come a day after he told news outlets Saturday that tighter military border controls were necessary on the borders of Greece, Italy and Bulgaria to stem immigration flows.

PKK Offshoot Claims Responsibility for Ankara Bombing

A Kurdish militant group has claimed it was behind the attack in Turkey's capital Ankara which killed 37 people last week.

The Kurdistan Freedom Falcons have said on their website (in Kurdish, quoted by the BBC and Reuters) they were targeting security forces and and not intending to kill civilians, adding further casualties would be "inevitable".

German Embassy in Turkey closed down following ‘imminent attack’ threat

The German Foreign Ministry released a briefing stating that the German Embassy in Ankara, Turkey and its Consulate General in Constantinople had been shut down, following an unconfirmed threat of an imminent attack. According to the announcement of the German school in Constantinople was closed for security reasons.

Russia shrugs off Merkel's call for no-fly zone in Syria

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov has shrugged off German Chancellor Angela Merkel's proposal to consider a no-fly zone over Syria, saying it could only be done with Damascus' consent.

Gatilov said any no-fly zone would need to be approved by the Syrian government and endorsed by the U.N. Security Council, the Associated Press reported.
