German Foreign Ministry

8 Turkish generals, admirals believed to be fugitives abroad

Eight generals and admirals and more than 260 low-ranking military officials suspected of involvement in the July 2016 coup attempt, are currently on the run abroad, according to Turkish officials.

The runaway military personnel are believed to be in EU countries, according to Turkish officials. 

Germany receives 262 asylum requests from Turkish diplomats and military officers

A total of 262 asylum requests from Turkish citizens who have worked as diplomats or soldiers are currently being reviewed by Germany's Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), Der Spiegel reported on April 1.

According to Der Spiegel, the BAMF had not yet made a decision on any of the cases.

German-Israeli summit delayed 'after settlements row'

Germany said Feb. 13 that a summit with Israel planned for later this year had been delayed, with Israeli media reporting it was due to the Jewish state's controversial new settlements law.

Israel passed a new law last week that legalizes dozens of Jewish outposts and thousands of settler homes built on private Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank.

Angela Merkel reading Playboy to better understand Donald Trump (video)

According to a Bloomberg piece, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is poring over archives of videos with interviews of Donald Trump, including Playboy magazines, desperately seeking ways to better understand and possibly influence the newly elected US President before the two meet. The atricle cites two sources familiar with her preparations. From the Bloomberg:
