Kurdistan Worker's Party

MHP set to vote 'yes' for eternity of Turkish state: Bahçeli

The opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) will vote 'yes' in the upcoming referendum for the eternity of the Turkish state, the party's leader has said. 

"We will say yes for the people, yes for the state, yes for the republic, yes for the eternity of the Turkish state," Devlet Bahçeli said in a party group meeting in parliament on Feb. 7.

820 ISIL suspects detained in week-long nationwide raids

Some 820 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) suspects were detained in nationwide simultaneous operations that kicked off on Jan. 30, the Interior Ministry said on Feb. 6. 

Police on Feb. 5 detained 748 suspects in operations. 

The ministry said in yesterday's statement that this added to 72 suspects, who were detained in week-long operations against ISIL.  

Two Turkish soldiers killed in Turkey's Bitlis


Two Turkish soldiers were killed early on Jan. 14 in an operation conducted by the security forces in eastern Bitlis province of Turkey, according to Bitlis governor's office. 

Two other soldiers were wounded during an operation against outlawed Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK), said the statement released by the office. 

Turkish police detain four over possible 'May Day attack' in Turkish capital

Ankara police detained four suspected Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) members for preparing to launch an attack during the May 1 International Workers' Day demonstrations in the capital, Turkey's state-run Anadolu Agency has quoted security officials as saying. 

The Ankara anti-terror department detained the four suspects at midnight on April 30, the agency reported. 
