Erdem Ba

Turkish economy minister sees no need for Central Bank to intervene on lira

Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci has said he does not see a need for the Central Bank to intervene in the foreign-exchange market amid severe fluctuations in the markets.

The Central Bank should have cut interest rates before its monetary policy committee meeting in February, he said March 10 in comments during a televised interview.

Turkish PM Davuto?lu holds hasty meeting with Central Bank head on return from New York

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has held meetings with the chiefs of key monetary and financial institutions, including the Central Bank governor, shortly after returning from New York where he had sought to assure investors spooked by President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an?s recent tirades against the Central Bank.

Turkish prime minister in New York quest to soothe investor concerns

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has sought to reassure some of the world's leading investors about political and economic stability in Turkey during his meetings in New York. His bid to brush off escalating concerns about the investment climate in Turkey follow a series of increasingly strident remarks from President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an about the Central Bank's policies.

Proven economy policies in jeopardy

We already knew that President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan were not in total agreement about the policies applied, but we recently learned that there was a huge fundamental difference. Erdo?an is continuing to openly and publicly accuse, with harsh words, Babacan and Central Bank President Erdem Ba?ç??s policies.
