
"Cars with status-neutral plates allowed in central Serbia"

Cars from Kosovo can move through central Serbia only if they have "status-neutral plates (KS)," Milovan Drecun has said.

The MP from the ruling SNS party and chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Kosovo and Metohija said on Friday that Pristina has "interpreted an agreement on insurance in a way that is unacceptable to Serbia."

Athens "irritated" with Belgrade "over Kosovo and Macedonia"

Greece is "irritated" by Serbia's position "regarding Kosovo and Macedonia," the Beta agency is quoting an article published on the SKAI website.

The Greek media outlet quoted unnamed "foreign ministry circles" who said that "Serbia lately made a series of incomprehensible moves, exerting pressure in the European Union to settle the (Macedonian) name issue."

Memorial service for Serb farmers gunned down in Kosovo

A meorial service has been held for 14 Serbian farmers shot and killed while harvesting their fields on July 23, 1999 in the village of Staro Gacko in Kosovo.

Director of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric addressed those gathered on Thursday and pointed out to the question of why no one has been brought to justice yet in this case.
