
21 years since the NATO bombing

The sirens were heard for 78 days and the total number of casualties was never determined. An estimated 1,200 to 2,500 people were killed in the 11 weeks, with total material damage estimated at tens of billions of dollars.
The attack on Serbia, or the FRY, was carried out without UN Security Council approval, which was a precedent.

Kosovo Victims Reburied as Anniversary of Killings Commemorated

Lendita Morina with her father. Photo courtesy of Lendita Morina.

The bodies of 34 victims from Ljubenic were later found in a mass grave in Batajnica, near the Serbian capital Belgrade, and several others at a Serbian police compound in Petrovo Selo, while the rest were found in unmarked graves in Kosovo.

Compulsory military service might be reinstated?

There might be a possibility to introduce compulsory military service in about three years, but this depends on several factors, including finances, said Vucic to the press at Batajnica military airport.

He pointed out that compulsory service would provide the country with the possibility "to act preventively on anyone who might endanger its safety".

Serbian military to receive Russian transport planes

This will come as part of a military-technical agreement reached between the presidents of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia, Vulin said.

He spoke while visiting the Batajnica military airport near Belgrade, where works are underway to overhaul and upgrade MiG-29 jets donated by Russia last year.

Freedom 2017 exercise held at Batajnica airport

BELGRADE - Freedom 2017, a military exercise commemorating Belgrade's WWII Liberation Day, was held at the Batajnica military airport on Friday with President Aleksandar Vucic in attendance.

The exercise included a forced landing of an AN-26 plane pursued by two MiG-29 jets, a search-and-rescue and a hostage rescue operation.
