
Prosecutor in case into killing of Gezi's youngest victim taken hostage in Istanbul courthouse

Suspected members of the outlawed Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) have taken prosecutor Mehmet Selim Kiraz hostage at Istanbul courthouse in connection to the case into the killing of Gezi victim Berkin Elvan.

Gunshots have been heard at the building.

Prosecutor of Berkin Elvan case taken hostage by DHKP-C

Mehmet Selim Kiraz, a public prosecutor leading the probe into the death of Gezi victim Berkin Elvan, has been taken hostage by members of the The Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP/C) in an Istanbul courthouse.

Shocking images have been circulating on the Internet over the last hour, showing a man holding a gun to the head of Kiraz.

Albanians Want Secret Police Files Opened, Poll Finds

According to a poll published on Wednesday, 83 per cent of Albanian support opening up the files of the Communist-era secret police, known as the Sigurimi.

Roughly 71 per cent of respondents to the poll said if the files were opened to the public, public institutions should be "lustrated" of former agents or collaborators of the Sigurimi.
