
Kobane aid triggers Turkey-US debate

Washington took the initiative to airdrop ammunition and weapons to Kurdish fighters battling jihadists in Kobane despite Turkey’s objections, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said, in a bid to underline that Ankara does not consider the Democratic Union Party (PYD) a legitimate counterpart, regardless of U.S. views.

Turkish deputy PM blames jailed PKK leader for provoking street violence

Despite overall optimistic messages by Turkish government officials declaring their resolve for advancing the stalled peace process, a key Cabinet member has suggested that the jailed leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) actually fueled the fire during recent deadly protests.

10 workers abducted by armed militants in Diyarbakır

A group of armed militants have abducted 10 workers from a local electricity distribution company, Doğan News Agency reported on Oct. 22.

The workers of the company were on duty near the Gürpınar village in a rural area of Silvan district when the road was blocked by a group of unidentified militants.

US Drops Arms to Kurds Fighting IS Despite Turkish Warnings

Kurds fighting Islamic State (IS) in the Syrian town of Kobane have received US weapons and medical aid, the Pentagon says.

The move comes against the backdrop of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's declarations over the weekend that Ankara would not allow Washington to supply the Kurds with arms.
