
MHP’s Bahçeli warns Kurdish voters not to be ‘deceived’

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli has issued a warning particularly addressed to Kurdish citizens, asking them not be deceived by a “plot aiming to annul the Lausanne Treaty,” referring to the historic treaty that is widely acclaimed as the basis of the independence and unitary structure of the Turkish state.

A Kurdish star rising in Turkish politics

Not more than five years ago, Selahattin Demirtaş was only a name familiar among human rights circles in Turkey. As a young lawyer, he assumed leadership of Turkey’s Human Rights Association’s (İHD) Diyarbakır branch in 2006. Then, after joining the Kurdish problem-focused Peace and Democracy Party (PKK), Demirtaş was elected as its co-chairman in 2010.

Second phase of PKK withdrawal to start in fall

Militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) will start the second phase of their withdrawal from Turkey after the legal amendments from the Kurdish peace process package are enforced.

The PKK is expected to restart its withdrawal, which has been at a standstill since late 2013, this fall as soon as the government-led package is legally enforced.

Ankara court releases non-arrest assurance for senior PKK leaders

A heavy penal court in Turkish capital Ankara has released non-arrest assurances for dozens of senior figures involved with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

The court order applies to key PKK leaders currently living abroad, including Zübeyir Aydar and Remzi Kartal, on the condition of their return to Turkey within three months.
