
Bulgaria Gets Record Low Dividend Payment from State Firms

Bulgaria has received a record low dividend from its state-owned companies this year, it was revealed on Thursday.

Reasons include worsened financial performance of state-owned firms and a cut in the dividend rate to 70% from 80%, capital.bg said on Thursday, citing Finance Ministry figures.

More than 120,000 households to receive special benefit

More than 120,000 households were expected to receive a share of over 84 million euros from the so-called social dividend on Tuesday, the Finance Ministry announced.

The social dividend refers to a share of the primary budget surplus that has been earmarked to help households in need and is distributed to applicants based on their tax declarations.

More people to get social dividend

Following the government’s decision to expand the income criteria for recipents of the so-called social dividend, another 250,000 will next week receive the one-off payment made to those deemed to be in the greatest need. The social dividend is funded by the primary surplus of the 2013 budget.

Bulgaria's Government Demands Urgently Dividends from State Companies

Bulgaria's Government demanded urgent payments of dividends from the companies with over 50% state ownership, reports Sega daily. 

With an order of June 11 the Council of Ministers demanded 70% of the profits to be paid to the shareholders by today, June 16. The state-owned hospitals are exempt. 

Decision on second payment of 'social dividend' due this week

A committee assigned to assess whether taxpayers are eligible for a share of the so-called “social dividend” from Greece’s 2013 primary surplus is due to meet this week.

The government has already paid out 133 million euros, with each successful applicant earning around 500 euros.
