
Physically impaired Turkish man to sue school administration after being forced to climb stairs on hands to vote

A physically impaired man who climbed up the stairs on his hands to vote in the referendum due to an elevator malfunction at a school used as a polling station has said he will file complaints against the school administration. 

Physically impaired Turkish man climbs stairs on hand to vote

A physically impaired man has climbed up the stairs on his hands to vote in the referendum due to an elevator malfunction at a polling station in the Eyüp district of Istanbul. The man, whose name was not disclosed, said those who were responsible for failing to provide the service "should be ashamed."

VIDEO: Tourist's car saved from falling into Bosphorus

Passersby have saved a tourist?s car from falling backwards into the Bosphorus in central Istanbul by sitting on the front of the car until the arrival of a lifting crane.
The tourists, who were visiting a museum in the Be?ikta? district on the European side of Istanbul, had parked their rental car near the Bosphorus but forgot to secure the handbrake before exiting the vehicle.

Saudi king leaves France after 8-day stay after controversy

The Saudi king's visit to his family's French Riviera mansion is over after weeks of controversy surrounding the closure of a public beach during his stay, the top state official in the area said on Aug. 3.

Sub-prefect Philippe Castanet said that the small, isolated beach was reopened after the Aug. 2 departure of King Salman following an eight-day stay.
