Gabriel Sakellaridis

Debt talks resume amid concerns over differences, looming repayment, political upheaval

Government officials on Monday expressed confidence that Greece was close to a deal with creditors that would allow loans to be unlocked but pressure is growing on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras from abroad and on the domestic front.

SYRIZA campaign pledges fade amid tough negotiation with creditors

The four-month anniversary of radical leftist SYRIZA party’s ascent to power comes as it struggles to clinch a deal to extend bailout financing from international creditors and, more ominously, with several of its main pre-election pledges apparently abandoned in the face of tough negotiations.

Greece to privatize port, airports in concession to creditors

By Agnes Lovasz and Paul Tugwell

Greece will continue with efforts to privatize the country's largest port and regional airports as it seeks ways to attract investment for other state assets, Economy Minister George Stathakis said, in a government concession in talks with its creditors.
