
Boyko Borissov: We will not Support Terziev! I Know those Lazy Boys

"These elections are a punishment for the entire political class - 27% turnout - this is absolute illegitimacy. So few voted and such a low turnout - the analysts and each of us must come to a conclusion as to why we are going down like this". This is what GERB leader Boyko Borisсov said in Plovdiv, quoted by BGNES.

Where will there be Runoffs in Bulgaria's Local Elections: Results by City

In which cities and towns in Bulgaria will there be a runoff, this is revealed by the data from the Central Election Commission this morning. The data is still inconclusive. The percentages of protocols processed by city are different. As of 1 p.m., they are 100% in all regional cities except Sofia, Plovdiv and Shumen.


8 Regional Cities already have an Elected Mayor, Runoffs in the Others

After yesterday's local elections, mayors have been elected in the first round in 8 of the regional cities, while in the others a runoff will be held next Sunday (November 5).

In the first round, the mayor of Burgas, Dimitar Nikolov (picture), was elected from GERB for a fifth term (with 60.42% and 72.81% of the votes cast).

Former PM Borissov rejected the Idea of May 24 replacing March 3 as Bulgaria’s National Holiday

GERB-SDS will not support the change of the national holiday from March 3 to May 24. This was stated by the leader of the party Boyko Borissov, according to whom "holidays in Bulgaria should not be fought over".

"March 3, May 24, the Unification are extremely bright holidays to become a place for argument, discord or politics," Borissov also said.

Bulgaria: GERB announced their Candidate for Mayor of Sofia

The GERB-SDS coalition registered Anton Hekimyan as a candidate for Mayor of Sofia in the Municipal Election Commission.

Hekimyan was until recently the director of "News and Current Affairs" on bTV. On Saturday, he surprisingly left his position. In bTV he went through the entire ladder - intern, reporter, editor, TV presenter.

Bulgaria: The Cabinet denies the participation of Alexei Petrov in the "Assembly" as he only provided “Logistics”

Did Alexey Petrov participate in the "assembly" of the cabinet - the comments continue today. Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov repeated again that the former beret had no role in the creation of the current government.

Bulgaria: What are the Goals and Priorities of the MPs for the New Political Season (SUMMARY)

After the vacation, the Bulgarian National Assembly began work in the plenary hall renovated three years ago in the building of the former Communist Party House on "Knyaz Alexander I" Square. The meeting started at 9:00 a.m. with the anthems of Bulgaria and the EU.

The Bulgarian Parliament Terminated the powers of MP Vezhdi Rashidov

With 103 votes "for", the National Assembly terminated the powers of the People's Representative from GERB Vezhdi Rashidov. Only "Vazrazhdane" voted three "against" and 27 "abstained".

The Speaker of the Parliament, Rosen Zhelyazkov, expressed his thanks and best wishes to Rashidov:
