
Survey: Bulgarians Approve of the Cabinet but not the Fact that it is Rotating

Bulgarians approve of the formation of a regular government, but not the principle of a rotating prime minister, according to a nationally representative survey by the sociological agency "Exacta", conducted in the period 12 - 20 June. According to it, 61% of the respondents welcome the formation of a regular cabinet.

Bulgaria presents Two Candidates for European Commissioner - Daniel Laurer and Iliana Ivanova

The Council of Ministers today discusses the proposal of candidates for European Commissioner. Two candidacies were presented, an opportunity provided in Ursula von der Leyen's letter. The two candidates are Daniel Laurer and Iliana Ivanova. Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov told the media after the extraordinary meeting of the government.

Bulgaria: WCC-DB with Seven Conditions for GERB in order to Still have a Government

The co-chairman of "We Continue the Change" Kiril Petkov announced that together with their coalition partner "Democratic Bulgaria" they decided to confirm the declaration of the "Denkov-Gabriel" cabinet, however, they set seven conditions in order for their joint rule with GERB to continue.

Bulgaria: Tensions between GERB and WCC-DB

"Nobody doubts that there will be no rotation, right?" This was stated by GERB leader Boyko Borissov on the sidelines of parliament regarding the disagreements with the WCC-DB. According to him, they are doing everything "which is on the record" - changing personnel in ministries, agencies, regulators and "appointing their own people everywhere".

Kiril Petkov: GERB puts the Government at Risk with the Use of Floating Majorities

"GERB puts the government and the work of the parliament at risk by relying on floating majorities with which they push their decisions", the deputy from "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" Kiril Petkov warned today in the parliament. He refers to the failed two hearings of the Minister of Justice Atanas Slavov yesterday - in the plenary hall and before the legal committee.

At First Reading: The Bulgarian Anti-Corruption Commission will be Divided in Two

The Anti-Corruption Commission i.e. the Commission for Combating Corruption and Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Property (KPKONPI) will be divided in two.
This was decided by the parliament, adopting in the first reading the Law on combating corruption among persons occupying high public positions.

Daniel Laurer will be One of the Two Candidates for New European Commissioner representing Bulgaria

Daniel Laurer will be one of the two candidates for Bulgaria's European Commissioner. The decision of Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov is for GERB-SDS to nominate a candidate as well.

So far, the coalition has not commented on who they will nominate. It is possible that they nominate Eva Maidel.
