Islam and antisemitism

Old Espionage Ruse, With a Modern Twist: Israelis Say Hamas Used Online Seduction

It usually started with a bit of cyberflirting. A direct message was sent through Facebook or another social network from an unknown woman to an Israeli soldier’s smartphone. Then, according to Israeli military officials, it developed into a chat in flawless Hebrew, heavily peppered with millennial slang.


“Good morning (smiley emoji),” one typical chat began.


But there are good terrorists and bad terrorists

In his speeches to Turkish audiences but addressing world leaders, President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an often says that "there should be no good terrorists and bad terrorists" and that "terrorists are terrorists." He's right. But he is not realistic at all if he is seriously expecting the entire world to agree on his own definition of who is a terrorist and who is not. 

Former Muslim fundamentalist Maajid Nawaz speaks out. Listen carefully (video)

Nawaz is a former member of the radical Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. This association led to his arrest in Egypt in December 2001, where he remained imprisoned until 2006. Reading books on human rights and interacting with Amnesty International, which adopted him as a prisoner of conscience, resulted in a change of heart.

16 year old Danish muslim-convert girl planned to blow up Jewish school

A 16-year old Danish girl was planning to carry out terrorist attacks against two schools, one of which was Jewish, Danish police reported. The girl, whose name has not been released by the authorities recently converted to Islam and planned to plant bombs with her 24 year old accomplice.

Radical Islamist Hizb ut-Tahrir calls for caliphate in grand meeting in Ankara

Thousands of supporters of the Islamist Hizb ut-Tahrir organization gathered in Ankara to discuss the re-establishment of the caliphate, just three days after holding an international conference in Istanbul to mark the 92nd year of the institution's abolition, daily Cumhuriyet has reported. 

Netanyahu and the truth

"I can't stand him. He's a liar," then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy told U.S. President Barack Obama four years ago, in a conversation about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama replied: "You're fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day." It was a private conversation, but we know about it because it was accidentally broadcast to journalists.

Germany stresses Holocaust responsibility after Israel PM's claim

Germany on Oct. 21 stressed its inherent responsibility for  the Holocaust, after Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu stirred controversy by claiming that a Palestinian leader gave Hitler the idea of exterminating Jews.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, who hosted Netanyahu for talks Wednesday, stressed: "Germany abides by its responsibility for the Holocaust."  
