Macedonian language

Clash Between Macedonian Police, Migrants Leaves Scores Injured at Border with Greece

A clash between Macedonian police and migrants left up to forty people injured at the Macedonian-Greek border on Saturday.

A group of economic migrants not allowed to enter Macedonia from Greece attacked policemen by throwing stones and other objects.

Reports suggest that Macedonian police briefly entered Greece and fired stun grenades on the discontent migrants.

Macedonian Army Builds Metal Fence on Border with Greece    

The Macedonian Army has begun erecting a wire fence along the country's border with Greece to control a wave of migrants trying to cross, local TV channel Telma reported on Saturday.

The fence is being built in the areas where 'economic migrants' have been stopped with Macedonia denying them entry, Telma said.

Turkey Opens Macedonian-Language News Service

Anadolu's bilingual Macedonian and Albanian desk opened in Skopje on Monday as the news agency expanded its operations further into the Balkan region.

The opening ceremony was attended by Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan. The agency's chairman, Senol Kazanci, was also present.  

Macedonian Church Causes Grave Storm Down Under

The Holy Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, MPC, the Church's highest governing body, this week confirmed that religious rites performed by ousted priests in Australia who are accused of secessionism are not valid.

However, in a move to calm anxious believers, it has said physical reburials need not occur.
