Nikos Toskas

Greek Ministers warn reporters to keep “quiet” on Chios refugee riots! (audio clip in Greek)

Speaking to radio station “Vima FM”, journalist Pantelis Fikaris of the Chios-based newspaper “Politis Chios”, alleged that Alternate Minister for Immigration Policy, Ioannis Mouzalas and Alternate Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection, Nikos Toskas had contacted him before the visit of US President Barack Obama asking to censor images of violence and riots from the Souda r

Tsipras annoyed at the use of tear gas against the pensioners

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras reproved Deputy Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Toskas for using tear gas against pensioners who were protesting the new pension cuts. After pictures of sad old men with swollen, teary eyes were released in the press and the social media, Tsipras put the blame on the deputy minister. The prime minister expressed his disapproval of the use of tear gas agains
