Notary public

Justice Ministry bill aims to reduce burden in courts

Thousands of legal cases will soon be handled outside of courtrooms and be resolved by lawyers and some by notaries, according to a Justice Ministry bill aiming to decongest Greece's judicial system.

The ministry views unburdening the courts as essential as a World Bank study ranks Greece 146th worldwide in delays in administering justice.

Digital transfer of property completed online in one day, ministers say

The digital transfer of property platform went into operation on Monday through the portal for all citizens and notaries public who wish to avoid lengthy in-person registration times.

Once data is entered, the system will send the approved transfer or a justified rejection within a working day, instead of several-month delays, e-Governance ministers said.

Property transactions probed

The increase of the tax-free threshold for parental concessions and donations to 800,000 euros each and for property transfers, many of which are carried out in cash, have activated the monitoring mechanism of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE), which will root out violations of tax legislation.

Online tool for property sales

At last, the government and the tax authorities are trying to cut the red tape concerning property transactions, by immediately implementing a new digital system that notaries can use to obtain the necessary supporting documents, which currently exceed 17.
