
Man stopped at Lesvos airport with petrified forest fragments in bags

Police at Lesvos' airport on Tuesday detained a 57-year-old man after finding multiple fragments of a petrified forest in the island's west in his luggage.

Officers found five chunks and 15 fragments of fossilized wood in the man's possession. He now faces charges of violating the national customs code and forestry laws, and theft.

'Fat' traces confirm weird fossils were earliest animals

AFP - A strange fossil that looks a bit like a giant leaf, or a fingerprint the size of a coffee table, has intrigued scientists for decades.

Thousands of the fossils have been found over the past seven decades, revealing that it lived at the bottom of the ocean, without a mouth, intestines or anus, half a billion years ago.

Animated map of how humans migrated across the world (video)

Human beings have been migrating since the dawn of time. Be it in search of food, more hospitable environments, to escape wars or conflicts, people have always been on the move. It is very difficult to know what happened on earth thousands of years before anyone started recording history in any way.

New remains of fossilized forest near Lesvos roadworks

Excavations by researchers at the Natural History Museum for the Lesvos Petrified Forest took place near road works for the construction of a new road from the towns of Kalloni to Sigrio on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos. The scientists responsible for preserving other sections of the ‘Petrified Forest’ found new traces of fossilized tree trunks.
