Pride parades

Podgorica Gay Pride Postponed For Security Reasons

The organizers of Montenegro Pride 2014 on Thursday said the event had been postponed following consultations with the police.

They did not specify a new date for the parade, beyond expressing the hope that it would be in autumn.

The second Pride parade in Podgorica is being organized by two local NGOs, Montenegro Pride and Queer Montenegro.

Serbia Rightists Urge PM to Scrap Gay March

Danilo Tvrdisic, a leader of the right-wing Dveri movement, has called on Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to cancel the Gay Pride Parade scheduled for May 31, to avoid clashes in Belgrade.

"We have called on Vucic to cancel the parade as no normal person in Serbia would like to see a war in the streets of Belgrade or the destruction of property," Tvrdisic said.

Joksimovic: Do everything to make Pride parade happen

BELGRADE - Serbia's Minister without Portfolio in charge of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said Thursday that it is important for Serbia to do everything it can to make sure that the Pride parade takes place in Belgrade this year, adding that she will personally back up the staging of this event.

Serbia's Gay Pride Parade Hangs in Balance

Mayor Sinisa Mali on Wednesday said Belgrade Pride Parade had been scheduled for May 31 but whether it goes ahead still depends on "the assessment of the competent authority".

The organisers have said this year's Pride Parade will last from May 19 to 31 and will feature a number of cultural events and activities, including exhibitions and concerts.
