
In Depopulated Srebrenica, Shuttered Shops and Open-Hearted People

Driven by curiosity, we walked into the building the music was coming from, which is called The House of Good Tones. Hilda Djozic, office manager of the House, tells us later on that what we heard was a rehearsal by one of the youngest bands they have, and that the drummer was a seven-year-old girl.

Bosnians Lay Flowers for 105 Civilians Killed in Srebrenica Playground

Relatives of the victims along with members of the Tuzla Canton government and representatives of the Federal Ministry of Refugees and Displaced Persons laid 105 flowers by the fence of a school playground in Srebrenica on Wednesday in memory of those killed by shelling on April 12, 1993.

Hasan Hasanovic was a witness to the massacre, which also injured more than 100 people.

War Criminal Testifies for Bosnian Serb General at Srebrenica Trial

Vinko Pandurevic, wartime commander of the Bosnian Serb Army's Zvornik Brigade, told Belgrade Higher Court on Monday that Milenko Zivanovic, who commanded the Bosnian Serb Army's Drina Corps, did not run the Krivaja 95 operation in July 1995 which ended in the massacres of thousands of Bosniaks from Srebrenica.

Bosnian Prosecutor Requests Maximum Sentence in Srebrenica Trial

Presenting its closing statement to the Bosnian state court on Friday, the prosecution said it had proved during the trial that Momcilo Tesic, a former military policeman with the Bosnian Serb Army's Vlasenica Brigade, is guilty of participating in the murders of 21 Bosniak men from Srebrenica in July 1995.

Bosnian Serb Ex-Policemen’s Srebrenica Genocide Acquittal Upheld

The Bosnian state court has rejected a prosecution appeal confirmed a verdict acquitting Miodrag Josipovic, Branimir Tesic, Dragomir Vasic, Danilo Zoljic and Radomir Pantic of participation in the partial extermination of Bosniaks from Srebrenica in July 1995, the men's lawyers told BIRN.

Hague Court President: Recognising the Srebrenica Genocide is Necessary

Ten days after her term in office began, one of the first tasks undertaken by Graciela Gatti Santana, the new president of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, was to deliver a speech at the commemoration of the 27th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide.
