Startup company

Decline in start-up company buyouts

The Greek startups ecosystem saw just one corporate acquisition this year, from two in 2018, according to a report by Found.ation.

Online radio station manager Radiojar was bought out in March by US company iHeartMedia.

On the contrary in the years 2016 and 2017 a total of 10 startups had been acquired, such as Beat (Taxibeat), Quizdom and Innoetics.

In Boston’s Greek hive, the buzz is getting louder

Some 200 investors, entrepreneurs and academics attended a special event last week at the headquarters of Workable, a Greek-owned startup, in Boston. The main speaker at the event, which was organized by Endeavor Greece and the Hellenic Innovation Network, with the support of the Greek Consulate in Boston and MIT Enterprise Forum Greece, was Workable CEO Nikos Moraitakis.

BSMEPA will Support the Association of Bulgarian Leaders and Entrepreneurs

Bulgarian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Promotion Agency will support the most active community of young leaders and entrepreneurs in Bulgaria. Such an arrangement was reached by Executive Director of BSMEPA, Dr. Boyko Takov and Mrs. Kremena Dervenkova, Executive Director of the Association of Bulgarian Leaders and Entrepreneurs (ABLE) at a meeting today.
