The Weather in Bulgaria will be Sunny and Warm Today - 15-20°C
Atmospheric pressure is lower than the average for the month and will remain unchanged.
Today will be mostly sunny, with temporary increases in cloudiness. A light to moderate wind will blow from the west-southwest. The maximum temperatures will be between 15°C and 20°C, in Sofia - about 16°C.
Weather in Bulgaria will be Mostly Sunny with Temporary Increases in Cloudiness
The Weather in Bulgaria will be mostly Sunny Today
Today the weather in Bulgaria will be mostly sunny.
There will be temporary increases in cloud cover mainly over the mountainous and extreme southern regions, but there will be almost no precipitation.
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Light Precipitation in Western Bulgaria, Strong Wind in 18 Regions
Cloudiness will increase and thicken from the west around and after noon on Thursday. Light rain will begin, which will change to snow in the evening and will be temporarily intense in the Rila-Rhodope region.
Dangerous weather warning sent to residents of Achaia via 112 phone line
A warning that dangerous weather phenomena are on the way was sent to mobile phones in the Achaia area on Wednesday from the 112 emergency number.
The message urged them to minimize travel and take protective measures due to strong rain and gale-force winds that are expected in the area from Wednesday afternoon until Thursday night. [AMNA]
Weather in Bulgaria will be mostly Cloudy, almost No Precipitation
Cloudy weather will prevail today, but there will be almost no precipitation. It will blow weak, in Eastern Bulgaria - a moderate wind from the north-northeast. The minimum temperatures will be between minus 3°C and 2°C, in Sofia - about minus 1°C.
Bulgaria: The Strong Wind Blew part of the Roof of the Council of Ministers and the Ceiling of the Train Station
The stormy south wind blew away part of the roof of the Council of Ministers, while the presentation of the report on the work done by the caretaker government of Galab Donev was underway in the building, "24 Chasa" reports.
The wind has detached part of the sheet metal facade of the building. A fire brigade team arrived in an emergency and immediately began repairs.
Bulgaria: Warning of the Highest Level for Strong Wind in the Vratsa and Montana Regions
A code red warning is in effect this morning due to strong winds in the Vratsa and Montana regions. According to data from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, wind gusts reach 30-35 meters per second.
Weather in Bulgaria: Strong Wind Today, Temperatures up to 17 Degrees
On Tuesday it will be quite windy, with a moderate, in Eastern Bulgaria and north of the mountains - a strong wind from the south-southwest. The minimum temperatures will mostly be between 2°C and 7°C, in Sofia - around 3°C.
A yellow code has been announced for 27 regions in Bulgaria because of the strong wind, in some places the gusts are expected to be up to 20-24 m/s.
Weather in Bulgaria will start to Warm Up, Rain expected in some areas
Today, the cloudiness from the west will begin to increase and towards the end of the day in some places, mainly in Northwestern Bulgaria, light rain will fall. A moderate southern wind will blow, which will also bring warming: the maximum temperatures will be between 5°C and 10°C, in Sofia - around 7°C.