Weather on Sunday: Mostly fair

Weather is expected to be mostly fair on Sunday, with chance of rain in the eastern regions of Greece and the islands.

Wind velocity will reach 5 on the Beaufort scale.

Temperatures will be low in most parts of the country, ranging from -2C to 14C.

Partly cloudy in Athens, 3C-12C. Mostly fair in Thessaloniki, 0C- 11C.

Weather on Saturday: Scattered clouds

Weather is expected to be cloudy on Saturday, with a chance of rain over the islands.

Northerly winds are forecast and wind velocity is expected to reach 5 on the Beaufort scale.

Weather will be fair in most regions of Northern Greece, with temperatures ranging from -03C-10C.

Same weather is forecast in the western regions, with temperatures reaching 15C.

Weather on Thursday: Fair with a few scattered clouds

Weather is expected to improve on Thursday, with slightly higher temperatures and mostly southeasterly winds. Wind velocity will reach 7 on the Beaufort scale.

Scattered clouds are forecast in the northern regions of the country with temperatures ranging from 04C-14C.

Weather will be mostly fair in western Greece with temperatures between 08C-17C.

Warning of snows, wind, mixed precipitations, ice in most counties

The National Meteorology Administration (ANM) has issued on Friday a Yellow Code warning of snows, strong wind, mixed precipitations, ice for the south, southeastern and locally central Romania, and in the Southern and Oriental Carpathians valid from December 26, 20:00 hrs until December 27, 20:00 hrs.

Mobile phone spectrum sale to fetch 381 mln

Greece will raise 381 million euros from the sale of mobile phone frequencies to its biggest telecom operator OTE, Vodafone and Wind Hellas, the minimum price set in the tender, its telecoms regulator said on Monday.

The sale is part of a 22-billion-euro privatization plan agreed with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund under a 240-billion-euro bailout.
