Preventive detention

Iasi County Council head, liberal Adomnitei detained for favoring the offender and forgery

The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) says its prosecutors have detained on Thursday night the Iasi County Council's president, Cristian Adomnitei for favoring the offender and forgery.

Photo credit: (c) Adrian CUBA / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

Liberal Adomnitei is to be presented on Friday to the Iasi Court with proposal of 30-day preventive detention. AGERPRES

Former ANI chief Horia Georgescu brought to the ICCJ

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) on Tuesday is to check on the legality of preventive measures in the ANRP (National Authority for Property Restitution) case with the former chief of the National Integrity Agency (ANI) Horia Georgescu and MPs Catalin Theodor Nicolescu and Marko Attila-Gabor involved.

Photo credit: (c) Cristian NISTOR / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

Alina Bica to stay under preventive detention

The Supreme Court of Justice on Friday denied an appeal against preventive detention filed by former head of the Directorate for Organised Crime and Terror Investigation (DIICOT) Alina Bica.

The court also denied the challenges of three other persons detained with Bica, namely expert evaluator Emil Nutiu, Lacrimioara Alexandru and Dragos Bogdan.

Mircea Basescu to remain under preventive detention

Mircea Basescu will be kept under preventive detention as the Constanta Court of Appeal on Thursday defeated his request to be prosecuted under house arrest.

The court take the same decision for co-defendant Marian Capatana.

The court's decision to keep Mircea Basescu and Marian Capatana under preventive detention is final.