Man arrested for growing cannabis trees in forest outside Patra

A 35-year-old man was arrested in Patra on Monday while police are looking for another two suspects on charges they were growing 750 cannabis trees in a remote area. Police said they found the plantation after hiking for five kilometers through forestland in Aigialeia.

Upon seeing the police approach, the 35-year-old tried to escape by running into the forest, but was caught after a chase. Police said the suspect and his two accessories - both Albanian nationals - had built a makeshift shelter on the plantation, and that they used a 200-meter-long hose connected to a nearby well in order to irrigate the trees.

According to reports, police asked the fire department for a Super Puma helicopter to transfer the cannabis trees but it was unable to touch down. Officers were called upon to transfer the cannabis trees on foot to the nearest point where a motor vehicle...

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