Iraqi Kurdish independence referendum should not be held: Turkey

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Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım has reiterated Turkey's strong opposition against the Iraqi Kurdish autonomous government's bid to hold an independence referendum late September, describing the move as a "grave mistake." 

"This referendum should not be carried out. Problems are already at the highest level in the region. Adding yet another problem would have not a single contribution to the region and to regional countries," Yıldırım told reporters at a reception held late Sept. 5 to mark the beginning of the judicial year. 

Turkey has long been vocal against the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government's (KRG) bid to hold a referendum on Sept. 25, in which forming an independent Kurdish state will be put to a vote. Regional countries, Turkey and Iran as well as Iraq have announced their opposition to the plan. 

"We have always stressed that the decision of the regional government in northern Iraq to hold a referendum is a grave mistake. We continue to think this way," Yıldırım said. He said his government and its main supporter, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), have no disagreement on this issue, despite reports suggesting the opposite. 

On reports about a possible visit by Yıldırım to the United States to meet Vice President Mike Pence, the prime minister informed that technical talks were underway to find a suitable date for both leaders.

'Germany thinking emotionally rather than rationally'
When asked about the ongoing row between Ankara and Berlin that pushed German Chancellor Angela Merkel to move to either suspend or end Turkey's accession negotiations with the EU, Yıldırım said, "Elections are looming in Germany. No need to make a lot of comments before the elections. Because emotions...

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