Cambridge Classicist confronts sexist online abuse

Mary Beard, professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge, is among the most prestigious voices in the field of ancient history. Her rich scholarly bibliography ranges from "SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome" to "The Parthenon." But when it comes to the contemporary issues of pedestrian misogyny and the sexism of political culture, her perspective is perhaps expressed loudest on Twitter, where she is the frequent object of scorn from trolls who hurl abuse at her on everything from her hair to her genitalia. Beard refuses to be silenced. She frequently responds to the hostile comments and reports her abusers. She enlists other Twitterati to team up against trolls. Her persistence on social media demonstrates her broader conviction that women should not be told to shut up nor be cowed into ignoring potential bullies but should claim their own equal standing within the public...

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