Armed Forces’ Independence Day parade concludes in Athens

[InTime News]

The annual parade of the Armed Forces for Greece's March 25th Independence Day concluded on Monday after passing the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in front of Parliament at Syntagma Square, where President Katerina Sakellaropoulou and political and military officials were gathered.

The parade also drew a crowd of thousands of onlookers waving Greek flags and cheering the troops on.

Prior to the military parade, the official raising of the Greek flag took place on the Acropolis at dawn, while a celebratory liturgy took place at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Athens led by Archbishop Ieronymos.

The liturgy was attended by the Greek president and political and military leaders. Sakellaropoulou also laid a wreath at the Monument of the Unknown Soldier.

Celebrations including flag decorating, parades, and events also took place in cities, towns and villages...

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