Djuric: Angola has remained Serbia's strategic ally on key issues

BELGRADE - Serbian FM Marko Djuric on Thursday met with Angolan counterpart Tete Antonio, who is on a two-day official visit to Serbia, and noted that Angola had remained a strategic ally of Serbia on all key issues and that the 50-year friendship between the two countries continued to develop.

Thanking Angola for its support on all key issues, Djuric said it was his honour and pleasure to host an Angolan delegation.

"When it comes to respect of territorial integrity and sovereignty in Kosovo-Metohija, Angola has remained our unwavering strategic ally in southern Africa. When it comes to the recent Srebrenica resolution, Angola was on the side of stability, it abstained in the vote and we will never forget that," Djuric said at a press conference with Antonio.

Serbia is proud to have been one of the states that supported the anticolonial struggle, Djuric also...

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