Murder in Psychiko: The contract killing of Panagiotis Stathis is estimated at 100,000 Euros

The contract killing of 54-year-old surveyor Panagiotis Stathis is estimated to have cost up to 100,000 euros, according to officers directly involved in the investigation of the brutal murder in Psychiko. Meanwhile, the financial affairs of the accused 44-year-old are now under scrutiny, with the first step being the examination of his bank accounts.

Information already obtained by the police indicates that the accused appears to be a shareholder in various companies, one of which is located in Agrinio. The 44-year-old is originally from Nafpaktos. Police officers traveled to Agrinio to verify the existence of the company, but it turned out to be a “ghost” company. Additionally, it was discovered that the high-capacity motorcycle he owned was registered under the name of an unrelated person, who is reportedly a drug addict.

The accused had his primary phone turned off during the critical hours of the murder, a tactic similarly employed by the killers of Giorgos Karaivaz. Essentially, he did not have the phone with him to avoid being tracked by mobile phone towers. However, the police expect to obtain significant information from the phones that have been confiscated from the accused.

Newly released videos show the accused of the 54-year-old surveyor’s murder descending Kifisias Avenue before the crime and escaping immediately afterward. In the first video, the killer, wearing a white helmet, is seen riding a motorcycle towards the crime scene. In the subsequent video, he is seen leaving after having killed the surveyor.

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