A vision for the American College of Greece

Daniel Smith (right) is seen greeting then-President Barack Obama when the former was the assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research, in 2015. Smith is now the new chairman of the board of the American College of Greece. [AP]

The many advantages offered by and the many future plans for the American College of Greece (ACG) - which comprises Pierce College, for primary and secondary education, Deree College, for undergraduates and postgraduates, and Alba Graduate Business School - are underscored by the new chairman of the board, Dan Smith, speaking to Kathimerini.

He says that the oldest American college in Europe offers students everything they would have at a university in the United States, while noting that investments are being made to grow and improve ACG, with more research, publications and educational exchanges that will enhance its reputation. A dorm is also being added to host American and other international students.

Smith, who served as US ambassador to Greece in a tough period between 2010 and 2013 - and who also served as secretary of state in January 21 as a result of his...

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