Tomislav Nikolic

Djilas:DS cannot be in government,was not even asked to join

BELGRADE - Democratic Party (DS) leader Dragan Djilas told Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic on Thursday that the Democrats cannot take part in a government such as is about to be formed by the prime minister in waiting, Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader Aleksandar Vucic, adding that nobody has even invited them to join.

Serbia must not be dragged into turmoil again

UZICE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has noted on Wednesday at a ceremony marking Armed Forces Day that, in the recent past, Serbia experienced a lot of suffering, caused even by those that were allies in the world wars, and he warned that the country must not allow to be dragged into turmoil again due to quarrels of others.

Nikolic: Serbia must not be dragged into turmoil again

UZICE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has noted on Wednesday at a ceremony marking Armed Forces Day that, in the recent past, Serbia experienced a lot of suffering, caused even by those that were allies in the world wars, and he warned that the country must not allow to be dragged into turmoil again due to quarrels of others.

Dikovic: All tasks carried out responsibly

UZICE - Over the past year, the Serbian Armed Forces carried out all their tasks in a conscientious, responsible and disciplined manner, Serbian Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic said on Wednesday.

"The members of the armed forces are used to this and we know no other way of working," Dikovic said at a ceremony marking the Serbian Armed Forces Day.

They shall rule Serbia

They shall rule Serbia

Future Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic composes team that shall lead Serbia in following four years

Our source reveals that for some time already there have been ongoing negotiations with Tinde Kovac Cerovic, Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy.

