Anti-austerity movement

Is Podemos another victim of SYRIZA? Spanish voters learnt from Greek mistakes

“SYRIZA, Podemos – venceremos” chanted Podemos’s Pablo Iglesias into the microphone back in January 25, on the golden days of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA). Greece had voted to “tear the bailout” and the anti-austerity sentiment was high. It was believed that an anti-austerity movement would rip-roar through Europe beginning in Greece with SYRIZA.

Back then, Iglesias had said:

Research on Indignant Citizens Movement: They destabilized PASOK-ND – they voted SYRIZA-ANEL

The anti-austerity movement of Indignant Citizens which started demonstrating in major cities across Greece on 5 May 2010 demanding to abolish the austerity measures and memorandum was the subject of a survey conducted by University of Macedonia and the Panteion University in cooperation with Greek researchers at universities abroad.

Juncker, Schulz on Greece crisis: History in the making!

“Important events for which you are not prepared are going on in Athens, with results which probably won’t match articles you wrote,” EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker told a reporters covering the Eurogroup meeting in Brussels, while European Parliament president Martin Schulz added that “what is happening today is historic”.

Anti-austerity and pro-euro rallies in Athens on Sunday, Monday

Another anti-austerity protest and a demonstration in support of Greece remaining in the euro are due to take place on Sunday and Monday respectively.

The anti-austerity protest, which is supported by SYRIZA, has been planned for 7.30 p.m. on Sunday in Syntagma Square.

Its main slogan is ?Democracy cannot be blackmailed.?
