Research on Indignant Citizens Movement: They destabilized PASOK-ND – they voted SYRIZA-ANEL

The anti-austerity movement of Indignant Citizens which started demonstrating in major cities across Greece on 5 May 2010 demanding to abolish the austerity measures and memorandum was the subject of a survey conducted by University of Macedonia and the Panteion University in cooperation with Greek researchers at universities abroad.
The findings were presented at a workshop at the University of Macedonia.

The theme of the research was the collective actions of the movement, as Head of research program Nikos Marantzidis, professor of University of Macedonia told ANA-MPA.

The research’s conclusions were that the movement destabilized the traditional two-party system of PASOK and New Democracy while their supporters moved to the anti-memorandum parties, mainly to SYRIZA and Independent Greeks (ANEL), as well as to Golden Dawn and other small political forces.

Regarding the Indignant Citizens Movement’s legacy, Mr. Marantzidis stressed that it is very soon to answer on whether they left us with a prolonged instability of political parties, if the bonds between voters and politicians would be that permanent as they used to be.

He also added that the movement left another legacy, the legacy of rag, which, from now on, it will be easier to be emerged.

Asked on whether we will see the Indignant Citizens Movement on the streets, he said: “I don’t know if we will see them again as a movement, as we did not know that bef

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