
Amanos Mountains to open to ecotourism

Following Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu's statements on Amanos Mountains in Türkiye's south that it has been cleared of terrorists, the region is expected to be opened to ecotourism, according to the Regional Directorate of Forestry.

The Amanos Mountains, in which the security forces have actively struggled against the PKK since 1992, has been completely cleared of the terrorism.

Mad honey victim bear named ‘Balkız,’ released to nature

A bear, who sensationalized social media for a video showing her passing out from eating too much mad honey, has been named "Balkız," (Honey Girl) by the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry and released to nature.

"The name of our teddy bear is 'Balkız.' Let her live by the name," the ministry tweeted on Aug. 13.

Türkiye struggles with mass bee deaths

After mass bee deaths in Canada and Australia at an unprecedented rate, eyes have now turned to Türkiye, one of the leading countries in the beekeeping industry.

Türkiye ranks second in the number of hives and sixth in honey production worldwide. But today, it is facing serious losses due to the unconscious use of agricultural pesticides and non-practical beekeeping training.

Beekeeper dies of bee stings

Škofja Loka – One person has died after bees attacked two beekeepers in north-west Slovenia while they were working on the beehive over the weekend.

While they were setting up the hives, some of the hives collapsed and enraged bees attacked both beekeepers. The younger man retreated to the forest and the older man towards the car.
