
Slovenian bees circle the world

"All of the media attention paid to Slovenia due to World Bee Day is an invaluable contribution to the recognisability of our country as the initiator of this holiday and as a unique green, active, and healthy destination with excellent bee-keeping tourist features that could help position Slovenia as a destination for five-star experiences," says Maja Pak, Director o

At the End of 2017 the Honey Production in Bulgaria was 15.6% more than in the Previous Year

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests has always identified beekeeping as a significant traditional agricultural sector. The National Beekeeping Program, approved by the European Commission, is fully in line with the European Union's policy in the sector.

Bulgarian start-ups make CubeSats, Quantum Physics Experiment in Space

Space scientist Raycho Raychev's three-year-old start-up, EnduroSat, aims to make miniature satellites available at affordable prices to universities, research institutes and commercial users. "There's an unprecedented number of applications for our modules — from ship and truck tracking and navigation to astronomy, astrophysics and pharmacology," he says.

The Warm Winter Poses a Risk to Bees

The warm winter poses risks for bees and steps must be taken to preserve bee families. This is what beekeepers told Darik.

In the autumn and winter every ten days there were temperatures above 12 degrees, where the bees became active and did not stay at rest and consumed more food, says Daniela Chelebeeva.

Beekeepers therefore need to secure the bees' food and put honeycombs.

Bulgaria Traditionally Exports Between 7 and 8 Thousand Tons of Honey Per Year

Bulgaria traditionally exports between 7 and 8 thousand tons of honey per year. This was said by Mihail Mihaylov, the chairman of the United Bulgarian Apiculture Union, according to

He explained that our country exports honey mainly to EU countries. According to him, Bulgarian honey is quoted in high quality but the quantities are limited.
