
Beekeepers against EU lowering bee protection standards

Ljubljana – The Slovenian Beekeeper’s Association has urged the government to reject any EU proposal to lower protection standards for honey bees or other pollinators. The beekeepers fear this could happen as part of the EU’s revision of guidelines on risk assessment of pesticides.

Bulgarian Beekeepers Angry with Agriculture Ministry’s Inadequate Policies

Beekeepers from all over the country mounted a protest in front of the Ministry of Agriculture in Sofia.The reason for their discontent is the high mortality rate in bee families due to spraying with unauthorized chemicals and pesticides, and the lack of national strategy for beekeeping industry.

People allowing bees to sting them ‘in protection’ against COVID-19

Some people in the eastern province of Malatya are making honeybees sting them in the false belief that they could be protective against the coronavirus.

But doctors are warning them against this, saying bees could cause fatal allergies in some people.

People who think bee stings enhance their immune systems let bees sting them periodically.

Bees: The Most Important Living Creatures on the Planet

The Earthwatch Institute named bees the most important living thing on the planet in its latest debate at the Royal Geographical Society in London in 2019.

The researchers also reminded that bees are already at risk of extinction. Recent studies show that about 90% of the world's bees are extinct.

Quarantine is Tough on Humans but Bees are Thriving!

While people have been confined to their homes this spring, wildlife has faced less human disturbance, traffic and polluting fumes. In Israel, wild boar are venturing further into the city of Haifa than before, while dolphins are increasingly braving the Bosphorus, the Turkish narrows that normally serves as a busy shipping route.
