
Rare wild bees find has English country estate buzzing

Hanging halfway up an ancient oak tree, peering into a small, dark hole in its enormous trunk abuzz with bees, Filipe Salbany can barely contain himself.

"Amazing - the queen's laying!" the 55-year-old shouts down, as he dangles around 15 meters (just under 50 feet) above the grounds of Blenheim Estate, secured by ropes and a harness.

Drastic decline in number of bumblebees in Slovenia

Ljubljana – The first monitoring of wild bees in 2021 did not yield encouraging results, with the bumblebees count dropping five-fold compared to last year. “This is bad news for both agriculture and nature, as bumblebees are among the most important pollinators,” the National Institute of Biology (NIB) said on Monday.

Ig prison inmates active in beekeeping

Ig – The Urban Beekeeper Association and the Slovenian Prison Administration started a project this spring at the open ward of the prison in Ig as part of which inmates are being taught all about beekeeping. The project dubbed Honey Cell is a part of the European project Food Systems in European Cities (FoodE).

Fires – 10,000 tons of pine honey were “burned” – Beekeepers demand support measures

There are many problems that the catastrophic fires that have hit the country in recent weeks have "bequeathed" to the Greek beekeeping industry. Problems concerning both the places where beekeepers "grazed" their flocks and the number of swarms, as a significant number of them could not be saved from the countless fiery fronts.
