Derik, Turkey

Security forces seize 320 kg of hashish in Turkey's Mardin

Security forces on June 6 seized 320 kilograms of hashish hidden in 10 sacks in a vehicle that was stopped in the southeastern province of Mardin, the directorate of security has stated.        

The Mardin Provincial Directorate of Security said anti-narcotics units were conducting a control on the Kızıltepe-Derik highway when they stopped the vehicle in question. 

PKK will 'face destruction' after April 2017: Interior Minister Soylu

The outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) will "face destruction" after April 2017, Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has predicted .

"Let me be clear, these days are their [PKK] good days. They will face such massive destruction that they can't even imagine," Soylu said in a ruling Justice and Development (AKP) meeting in the eastern province of Van on Dec. 9.

616 local officials reshuffled in Turkey

The Turkish Interior Ministry reshuffled 616 local officials with a decree issued on Dec. 1, state-run Anadolu Agency has reported. 

Some 369 district governors and 106 deputy governors were appointed to new posts, while 75 district governors and deputy governors were reassigned as provincial legal advisers, according to the decree.
