
Residents of the Metropolitan Area "Vazrazhdane" Protest Against the "Green Zone"

Residents of the metropolitan area "Vazrazhdane" protest against the new "green zone" there. People insist that it should not include the spaces between the resident buildings, where most of them are parking their cars.

They are also dissatisfied because the streets need to be repaired, there are no parking spaces.

The Garbage Containers in the Center of Sofia will be Removed, the Trash goes Underground

"We are removing waste containers from the streets in zones 2 and 4, where repairs are underway. Trash goes underground. " This was announced by Yordanka Fandakova, the mayor of Sofia, who checked the repair of the street "Salonska" in Sofia.

NYT: Toronto Van Driver Kills at Least 10 People

TORONTO — The killing began on a busy lunchtime thoroughfare in Toronto on Monday when a white rental Ryder van ran over a pedestrian crossing the street — then mounted a sidewalk and began plowing into people indiscriminately.

"One by one, one by one," said a witness who identified himself as Ali. "Holy God, I've never seen such a sight before. I feel sick."

Back to square one on İstiklal Street

A photo that has gone viral on social media nowadays is one that is comparing the current state of Istanbul's İstiklal Street and how it used to look 10 years ago. A decade ago, the street was paved with cobble stones; there were trees on both sides of the street, shops were full, the tram was functioning; it was crowded and fun. Its situation today is dreadful. 
