Is a logo a threat to an ancient theater?

A cynic would say that it's just another of the many online arguments that kick off every so often: The logos of Levi's, McDonalds, Apple, Marlboro and other American corporate giants that make up part of the set in the Greek National Opera's production of "Madama Butterfly" which is currently on at the Herod Atticus Theater have sparked outrage on social media. The reactions were not so much about the stage design's theatrical merits as they were about whether it was appropriate for this specific monument. "Horrible," "despicable" and "sacrilege" were but some of the words used to describe it.

A few days earlier, the Central Archaeological Council (KAS) had expressed reservations about a Coca-Cola logo that is to appear in the set design of a production of "Medea" going on stage at the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus on July 21 and 22, directed by the renowned Frank Castorf....

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