EU Parliament

PM Borisov Says Bulgaria Not a Coin in Politics, EU Should Support It

Bulgaria will not allow to be used as a coin in relations between Russia and the West, the country's Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said in Brussels on Wednesday evening.

Prior to meeting the EU's top officials on Thursday, Borisov discussed the demise of South Stream with Elmar Brok, who chairs the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Europe Liberals Criticize Bulgaria for Including Nationalists in Gov't

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE) has lashed at the new Bulgarian government over the "inclusion" of a nationalist coalition called Patriotic Front (PF).

ALDE's remarks follow the official formation of a cabinet in Bulgaria last week with PF's support declared with its signature of a coalition agreement without any participation.

Enrico Letta: Romania will have 'to play a crucial role in Europe' after the election

Romania will have 'to play a crucial role in Europe,' in the context of new opportunities arising, but also in the context of the geopolitical changes in the region of late, the former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta said Monday at the EU-Southeast Europe Summit.

Nigel Farage's EU Parliament Group Dissolved

The group of Britain's UK Independence Party (UKIP) within the European Parliament collapsed after losing a Latvian MEP who withdrew on Thursday.

Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) was the brainchild of UKIP, the anti-immigrant, anti-EU party co-founded and currently led by the controversial Nigel Farage, and Italian comedian Beppe Grillo's Five Star Movement.

MEPs Grill Bulgaria's Georgieva at EU Parliament

Kristalina Georgieva, the incoming EU Commission Vice President for Budget and Human Resources, was heard by MEPs Brussels on Thursday.

At about 14:30 EEST (13:30 CET), she arrived at the EU Parliament to be questioned by three parliamentary committees, namely on Budgets, Budgetary Control and Legal Affairs.


Communication may improve voter interest in EU elections, analysts say

Communication may improve voter interest in EU elections, analysts say

Analysts debate what the Union can do to engage Balkan voters.

Turnout in EU Parliament elections can be increased through better communication with citizens, analysts said, after statistics showed that most voters chose not to cast ballots last month.
