Vehicle registration plate

Bulgarian Authorities Detain 37 Illegal Migrants Near Tsarevo

Officers of the border police department in the Bulgarian town of Tsarevo detained on Thursday 37 foreigners who had illegally entered into the country.

The officers uncovered the migrants when they stopped a Ford Transit van bearing British licence plates for inspection at the bridge over Karaagach river.

Traffic Police in Sofia Temporarily Suspends Registration of Vehicles

The traffic police in the Bulgarian capital has temporarily suspended the registration and renewal of registration of vehicles on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The suspension is the result of a technical issue experienced by the firm responsible for the manufacture of the licence plates, which hampers their delivery.

Bulgarian Police Detains 12 Illegal Immigrants After Car Pursuit in Burgas

Bulgarian authorities detained twelve illegal immigrants after a police operation involving a car pursuit in the city of Burgas.

Officers from the fifth district department noticed a car bearing a Sofia licence plate to be speeding on one of the city's boulevards.

Bulgarian-Hungarian Smuggling Ring Allegedly Involved in Refugee Truck Death in Austria

Three people, including a Bulgarian national, have been arrested in Hungary in connection with the 71 refugees found dead in a truck on an Austrian motorway.

According to reports of Austrian police, the truck was owned by a Bulgarian national of Lebanese origin.
The other two arrested in Hungary were drivers.

Bulgarian Authorities Detain 26 Syrian Refugees Near Border with Serbia

Bulgarian authorities detained a group of 26 Syrian refugees in the district of Kyustendil near the border with Serbia early on Friday.

There were four children among the refugees, who were traveling in a minibus bearing a licence plate from Kuystendil, private bTV station reports.
